
Humidifier Services in Lexington, Kentucky

In the winter, cold temperatures and lack of rain dry up the air. Lips, eyes, and skin dry out and start cracking without protective products, and wood and other porous materials shrink and shift.

If the humidity in your home or property is uncomfortably low, consider installing a whole-home humidifier. Fayette Heating & Air offers whole-home humidifier installations, repairs, and maintenance for Lexington and Northern Kentucky homeowners.

Benefits of Humidifier Systems

Humidifiers are swiftly becoming very popular among homeowners in Kentucky. They offer a wide range of benefits that will improve your home’s indoor air quality and protect your home and health.

Health Benefits

A humidifier relieves pressure on your eyes, skin, and lips and keeps them from drying out. While hydrating is important, especially in the winter, it often isn’t enough. The dry air makes it difficult for the body to hold on to moisture, leading to discomfort.

Humans prefer humidity levels to be in the 30 to 50 percent range. This is the ideal humidity range for most of us to function optimally. Dry air can also dry out your nasal passages. This leads to snoring, sinus infections, poor breathing, and clogged nasal passages and greatly affects those who suffer from allergies or asthma.

Have you ever noticed that the flu and other colds flourish during cold months? It is a strange phenomenon, as you’d expect bacteria to prefer warmer temperatures. Sneezes create viral droplets, and those droplets hang in the air. These droplets contain tiny bacteria and viral particles that can infect those who breathe them in.

Some studies suggest that when there is low moisture in the air, these droplets hang in the air for up to 30 minutes. When humidity is raised to a more comfortable level of 30 to 50 percent, these droplets join other moisture in the air. These heavier droplets then fall through the air to the ground, vastly reducing the spread of bacteria and viruses through aerial spray.

Home Benefits

When humidity gets too low, varnish dries out, paint shrinks and cracks, wood shrinks and moves, and indoor plants suffer.

As wood shrinks, it moves around. Shrinking wood, as well as tectonic movement, can cause framing to move, walls to warp, and doorways to become crooked. Everything with paint or varnish can become damaged, with cracks forming.

Professional Humidifier Installation, Repair, and Maintenance Services

Fayette Heating & Air is dedicated to providing each of our clients with a 5-star service experience. Each of our technicians is drug-free, felony-free, background-checked, and ready to help. You can be assured that we only send trustworthy people into your home.

Our indoor air quality technicians are certified, licensed, and ready to help. We’ll install your humidifier with your HVAC equipment so that as air flows through your vents, moisture is added until the humidity reaches your desired level.

We’ll hook up a water line so you don’t need to refill your humidifier manually; it will only need occasional maintenance.

Once you have more humidity in your house, you’ll find that the air retains heat better and feels warmer. Some find the difference is enough to allow them to turn their heater down several degrees, saving energy and money.

If you’re ready for a humidifier, call Fayette Heating & Air. We offer expert whole-home humidifier installations, repairs, and maintenance services in the Lexington and Northern Kentucky areas.